Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Interview of Dr. P, English

I interviewed Dr. P of the English Department even though my major is Environmental Sciences. As a writer, Dr. P encounters and analizes grammar on a larger level than my chemistry or physics professors do. These are almost on the opposite ends of the grammar spectrum but of course one can not overlook how important grammar is to everyone. Regardless I thought an English professor would give me more applicable answers.

At the completion of each question, Dr. P. responded with "I don't understand the question." I would try to narrow the questions down and create very specific areas of grammar for her to answer. I got the feeling that I was forcing her to respond to my questions. Soon I realized that in my attempt to queastion a professor who is completely enveloped in grammar, my questions became unaplicable. To ask a writer and critic of other writers if the way a person writes affect her influence and impact, how else could they respond but, "I do not understand the question." That is what writers do, use language to influence and impact people on different levels. When asked what style is most desireable for her field, Dr. P. chuckled and said, " There is not one. It depends on what you are writing, to whom you are writing, subject matter, etc." Grammar is so important and can be used is such a variety of ways, it can become an art form for some people. To ask a painter how there art impacts or influences people, I do not think they would be able to respond to that either.

I thought I would try a question that would have a solid response, "What is the level of grammar that you encounter from your students." "Horrible," she replied. This was attributed to the amount of grammar taught to kids in high school and middle school or rather lack of grammar taught. But at least I got an answer with a strong foundation.


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