Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Group Four:

There were quite a few interesting things in both chapter 1 and 2. In chapter 1, the most interesting thing is the usage of words which are now no longer in general use. In chapter 2, an interesting thing is the definition of nouns and verbs. Previously, nouns were defined by what they represent but now they are defined by their characteristics. Is this new definition the "official" definition? In other words, if I look in another grammar book, are nouns and verbs defined as how they're defined on page 20 and 21? If so, abstract nouns cannot be considered nouns according to the new definition?

Another interesting thing is the ten pattern structure. I didn't know that there are 10 different sentence patterns. It's amazing that every single sentence in english language can be related to one of these sentence patterns. I am slightly confused about the difference between a clause and sentence pattern with NP and V-int. Are they both the same?


At April 19, 2007 at 11:53 AM, Blogger Dianne said...

I honestly have no answer to any of your questions. I am at a slight disadvantage since I've never been taught grammar before this class but I would also like to know wheather the definitions in this book are accepted as the correct definitions.


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