Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Thinking (title)
My thoughts sailed(NP2)
To places undiscovered(prep. phrase)
since the familiar became familiar(sub. clause)

Monday, May 29, 2006


Cold (Noun Phrase, 1 Syllable)
Till dawn (Duration, 2 Syllables)
At my core (Prepositional Phrase, 3 Syllables)
Trying to trust (Infinitive Verb Phrase, 4 Syllables)
That morning will come (Subordinate Clause, 5 Syllables).

Sorry this came so late. I couldn't find the piece of homework that I turned it in on. Whoops!
Please critique.


Sunday, May 14, 2006




Diligently (Manner)

Each day of the week (Noun Phrase)

throughout the sun-burnt fields (Prepositional Phrase)

to bring the pennies which pay for bread (Infinitive Verb Phrase)

Even though I know this wheat is turned to flour. (Subordinate Clause)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

rock climbing poem

Rock Climbing(title)

Beyond the limit
Countless rocky routes
To demand the best of yourself
Excursions taken in the great unknown