Monday, May 24, 2010

Tech and language

I am sorry this is late. The Black out on Wednesday night affected our Internet until Thursday morning and this is the first time I have had to get to blog.

The video asks the question “Has media changed language?” … Or at least it was something along those lines. I have to say yes, the availability of personalized media has affected the way language is used. But, what doesn’t? Language is a community communication tool, and as the community changes the tools will. However, the thought and meaning is behind the language; it has to be in order for the new language and usages to have meaning.

I am not saying that the effects have all be positive, or helpful but I think the discourse around the changes in language from media has become polarized. Similar to what has happened in the art world, as new techniques and tools create different graphic possibilities the critics debate over their value. The difference is that they still see a value in what is created, and with language we worry over the “loss”. As a teacher I know my students need both the classic language skills and the new technology skills. The classic give context and the new give availability. Don’t forget that the classics skills were not as widely available as technology is. Learning and using proper language was used to create hierarchy and division among races, cultures and communities for hundreds of years. By not finding a balance between new and old language and it’s uses I think we support the old divisions.


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