Monday, May 17, 2010

VanKooten Response

I personally don’t think that CMC, as VanKooten puts it, degrades written language. I sort of see CMC as stylistically different from standard written English. During my formative years, I was taught that the rules of writing were absolute, and if you broke them your grade would suffer. Now it seems like to be considered a good writer, you have to break rules to develop your own style of writing. That’s all CMC is. It’s just a different style of writing. Did modern English when it came into practice pollute Elizabethan English? Maybe, but it was definitely stylistically different.


At May 20, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I agree you! I think there is now an expectation of creative style, and in order to develop your own unique creative style, you have to have to break the traditional rules of grammar. I also think that we need to know the rules we are breaking or it doesn't have the right effect. By playing with the language and breaking a few rules intentionally, we can create out own style, engage the reader, demonstrate our grammar knowledge, and maintain the integrity of our work.

At May 25, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Blogger Katie said...

To quote a pirate "They are more like guidelines anyway".


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