Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CMC and Personal Communication

Crystal VanKooten presents the other side of the argument that claims, “CMC is degraded language,” “that it's contagious,” and “that it pollutes traditional writing.” While I disagree that CMC has degraded formal or “traditional” writing, I do think that CMC has degraded communication. Technology allows people to interact with each other impersonally, and this impersonal communication permits individuals to speak their mind without having to face social consequences. People no longer have to feel uncomfortable or embarassed for saying something inappropriate. They no longer are required to gage emotions or interact based on social cues. Along with the advancement of technology, there has been an increase in social akwardness. More and more people are unable to interact effectively in face to face situations or over the phone. This generation, as well as future generations, will need to find a way to maintain important social skills.


At May 23, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Blogger Zachery Smith said...

I also agree with you. I find that the majority of the time I'd rather email or text someone, even when talking over the phone or face to face would be more informative and quicker. It feels like there's less effort involved in technology based communication, and I can do things on my own schedule. Maybe I'm just lazy?


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