Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ch. 1 and 2

I found chapters one and two to be very interesting because it was a quick reminder to myself on how much I don't remember about grammer. I'm excited because I've already learned more from those two chapters then I did all through elementary and junior high school.
In chapter one I liked learning about all the different meanings of grammer and how the meanings of words had changed over time. In chapter two I found it quite interesting on just how many sentence patterns there actually were. At first I was just having trouble remembering the abbreviations and definitions for simple concepts such as linking verb and subject compliment. Did anyone else need a refresher course on just definitions? I was also having trouble diagraming the sentences. I don't think I fully grasp where the lines go and what words they branch off of. If anyone has any suggestions on learning how to diagram sentences I would appreciate the help (or advice).


At April 17, 2007 at 8:49 PM, Blogger Miss Marjie said...

I definitely needed a refresher course in definitions, but I found that the definitions I learned from the book differed from the traditional ones I'd learned way back in the day. I think the ones from the book really worked better though, considering they had more information and really focused on the specifics of how the word(s) or phrases function.

At April 19, 2007 at 11:48 AM, Blogger Dianne said...

I needed a refresher on the traditional definitions of the words, and also found the new ones to be slightly confusing at first. I was never taught how to diagram so I am struggling with it as well.


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