Sunday, June 03, 2007

writing across borders

It was very interesting to hear international students telling their experineces in english writing. It is amazing that every culture has a different style of writing. I feel that when international students come to American universities, they have to initially take classes that teach American way of writing. It is true that it will be hard for them initially, but eventually it gets easier. I agree that teachers must first personally talk to the international students, learn about their writing style, their culture, and then come to a conclusion or a suggestion about how to change or improve their writing style. I feel that teachers must have the ability to grade students differently accroding to their writing styles. In other words, they must not compare their writing to the American way and grade them according to how close they are to the American style. This is something that teahcers and students have to work together to get some good results (good writing for the students and teachers understanding the culture and writing styles of students)