Friday, April 20, 2007


Finally, I got this new blogger thing figured out. I think you all had some very good questions, some of which were the same that I had. I also wondered about the optional slot and if this is a new term and just one that Kolln uses? I'm not sure on that answer. I do know that I have never came across this until this class. I am also glad to see that I do not appear to be the only one that needed a refresher and thought we jumped into everything a little fast. I was thinking we would go over verbs, nouns, etc. before starting the diagraming and everything else right off the bat. Does anyone else agree? I am still overwhelmed but hope to be understanding things soon. I find the passive/active voice and the past tense of words to be way more my style. These are more like the things I remember and thought we would be doing in this class.


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