Monday, April 30, 2007

Question 2 on Delpit's article

I know this post is late..... But I found question number two to be very interesting. I can imagine that this is the thought of many children when they are younger, "Why do we have to be taught the language of other minorities and learn in different ways?" Until this article, I would have had the same question. But I now understand why it is important to teach everyone based on the culture they grew up in. I have been a student-aide in classrooms here in Corvallis and observed minorities in these classrooms. It is obvious that they don't understand some of the codes or slang language we use. I think that through reading and examples on paper, these students will be able to better learn. I also think that it is important to bring minority ways of thinking and cultures into the classroom at a young age because then children grow up around it and will understand it more as they get older. Besides the fact that there are more and more minorities in the U.S. each year.


At May 1, 2007 at 4:55 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

The teaching of correct grammar is an interesting topic with good arguements on both sides. The most important question in teachers' minds should be whether the teaching of grammar will be mostly beneficial to students. Delpit identifies the "language of power" and argues convincingly that this language plays a key role in bettering the treatment of minority groups in this country. I think it is clear that teaching grammar, even if it is the grammar of white America, will benefit all students as they get older.

At May 1, 2007 at 8:02 PM, Blogger Dianne said...

I also found the second question the most interesting. However instead of addressing the idea of bringing minority cultures into the classroom at a young age, I focused on the difference between teaching the "language of power" and acceptance itself. I agree that all cultures should be involved in the classroom, but I don't think that it should take up a big part in the traditional education system. A larger focus should be placed on teaching all students grammar so that way everyone is on an equal footing when it comes to writing essays, resumes, or whatever else they will be required to write as life goes on.


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