Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Writing Across Borders"

This film was very intriguing. I had no idea that the length of time spent telling a story varies from culture to culture. I always like people to get to the point, but apparently that is not the convention in many places. Also, the idea of establishing a base-line of acceptability for each class and then grading on that seems like a good idea. Additionally, the stand-in instructor brought up a good point: prepositions in English often do not make sense. It would be more logical to say "I turned my paper on" (the table) than to say "I turned my paper in." I had never considered this before. Using the wrong preposition always seems like such an easily avoided error, but when English is not your native tongue, it must be very difficult to choose the right preposition.


At May 29, 2007 at 9:46 PM, Blogger HB said...

Nice job guys.


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