Thursday, May 08, 2008

Issues of language in my field

I am a physics major, and currently I am not planning on teaching. As a result of my major, I read a lot of scientific publications, many of which may not have been originally written in English. I find that I am very fortunate to natively speak English, as I can find journal articles from all over the world which are available in English. While it is important for people in America to have the language skills necessary to succeed here, it is also important that Americans realize that we are not the only speakers of the English language. English is in wide use across the globe, and we cannot expect that our standards will be upheld by everyone. We are interacting more with people from other countries, and so I think that we need to learn to accept that not all the English spoken will be Standard American English. Perhaps if we can accept variations in English spoken by foreigners, we can learn to accept some amount of variation in language in our own citizens.


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