Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Lisa Delpit’s “The Silenced Dialogue.” response to question on acceptance

In my opinion, it would be absolutely wonderful if we taught everyone to be acceptant of the cultures, backgrounds, and languages of everyone else. This however would not solve the problem of there being a language and culture of power. Simply teaching minorities to accept the language of power only further perpetuates its existence, and can leave those in minority groups to believe their methods, language, or dialect to be “incorrect” in a sense. This is not what needs to be done. If anything those instituting and perpetuating the culture of power, those at the top, need to become acceptant of various languages and dialects, recognizing more than standard formal English as correct. Acceptance is a great starting point, but acceptance must be built and acted upon in order to create the changes necessary to either extremely broaden, or eliminate the idea of a language of power.


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