Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Even though I am an English major, I never knew what nominalization was until now, so I have not been on the lookout for it in texts that I read. I am sure that it is present, but I don't think that clarity and abstraction are a big deal when it comes to English texts, compared to textbooks for the sciences that have to be clear. Part of what we do as English majors is to analyze abstractions in language.
This class is not affecting my style so much as it is affecting my editing process and consciousness. I still write the ideas and the structure I want first, then go back and edit. However, I am more conscious of common errors I made before, such as comma use and subject/ verb agreement. I guess a negative part of my style that has changed is unclear language, for I am becoming more aware of how to tighten my phrasing. I also want to start editing on paper and not just on the computer screen. However, I haven't had to write a lot of papers lately, but I will probably notice more changes as final paper deadlines approach.


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