Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I did not really understand what Nominalization was until this week from our lecture in class and from the reading in our text book. I am a Human Development and Family Science major, and nominalization is not something I have really noticed in the texts that I have read, simply because I did not know until now what nominalization was and the role it has in writing. Now that I do understand and am beginning to have more of a grasp on nominalization, I think I will begin to notice it more as I read through my HDFS text books.
This class is not affecting my writing style so much as perfecting the structure and grammar of my writing. It is teaching me how to be more concise, and to eliminate the common errors that I make. The class it teaching me how to better edit my own writing, and is enabling me with the tools and knowledge I need to have confidence in my writing and in my ability to improve it on my on. It is also teaching me how to critique other writing, and to be aware of the use of grammar and language I see and and hear in my everyday life. I believe that my writing will continue to evolve and that my particular writing style will change and get stronger, and much of that will be attributed to the lessons I have learned in our Understanding Grammar class.


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